Sunday, 18 September 2016

3 Reasons A Freelance Writer Should Choose A Niche

As a Freelance writer, should you choose a niche? Absolutely! If you intend to continue in the freelance ecosystem and want to stand apart then you must choose a niche and specialize.

If you are freelancing for a while, you must have observed many others, they have a niche and specialize in it. To stand out and thrive you must specialize, as there are too many freelance writers, in general, and very few who have specializations.

It may be true that many clients of yours do not care about your experience, they care about how well you write and your professionalism. However, you must know who are your clients. If you target everybody then you get nobody, but if you target somebody, then you get someone.

Freelance Writers Niche
As a freelance writer, you could be not just any writer, but an SEO writer and Proofreader. Here is a list of several niches that you may want to take a look at:
  • ·         Write Blogs
  • ·         Be a Freelance Copywriter
  • ·         Write for a Magazine
  • ·         Write Books and eBooks
  • ·         Ghostwriting
  • ·         SEO Copywriting
  • ·         Write a Product/ Performance /Service Review
  • ·         Write Product Content
  • ·         Write a Speech/ Script
  • ·         Write Fiction

If you are a freelance writer and have not yet chosen a niche, do it today and specialize in it. Everything needs content if a business is selling information or products, services, including affiliate programs.

3 Reasons you must become an expert
  • You can offer something extra than what a general writer can because of your expertise
  • You have a precise USP (unique selling point)
  • Find your audience and target them for better rates

If you are freelancing, moonlight and discover yourself, the way you work and your niche and specialize in it. This will help you grow your business faster.

Friday, 16 September 2016

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY2

Why is freedom & freedom-lifestyle important to me?
My big WHY? Freedom to create and live a life that is inspiring not just to others, but is an inspiration to my children.
 #10DBC #freedomplan
It is just about achieving a kind of flexibility that is not found in a 9 – 5 job. The freedom-lifestyle is when I will be financially independent, sustainable and self-sufficient. This freedom plan allows me to choose whatever I want to do the way I want to do it and in the duration I want to do it.
I want the same lifestyle for my family and be able to achieve it for them. I want my children to learn the same self-sufficiency and sustainability. I would like to call it ‘the art of living sustainably’.
I want a life where I can keep money aside, and prioritize my family over everything without a second thought. Where I can let my hair down and love them, spend time with them, laze around with them without thinking about anything. I just want everyone in my family to be happy and self-sufficient. They must be able to take the path of sustainability without fear of failure.
It is my WHY to show them it is possible anytime, anywhere and anyhow. I choose this lifestyle for the freedom it gives me to take care of the small things and some big things. I feel it is more meaningful this way as it gives me a chance to do what I like the best - reading and writing. I belong to freedom, and freedom to me.

This blog post is in response to  Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 2.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY1

 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge by Natalie Sisson

Being a writer has some advantages while at the same time there may be disadvantages too. Many of us work from home while those working in the offices think it is pretty relaxing and great to work from home, let me tell you it is not. 

As a writer, I face challenges just like you do in the office at work.

Here is a blogging challenge I have accepted, to see if I can overcome my obstacles in these 10 days. This is the response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 1.

Challenge Day1
  • Fear of acceptance

When I come up with topics to write, I fear and am not sure people will actually appreciate what I write. I feel everyone has done this or done that and may not find what I write interesting enough for them to continue.

I have let the fear hold me back for a long time now – 4 years or more because my blog was set up long ago, however, could not get myself to write something.

  • Lack of discipline

I began writing on my blog site early 2016. My schedule was tight to write anything more or even think about my blog. I lacked the discipline to write for a long time with gaps.

This week was different, though, I got some time for myself and I came across this challenge. I thought I take it up as it wanted me to focus on my blog and here I am sharing my thoughts.

I hope to complete the 10 Day challenge. I hope this helps!

When Writing For The Web...

If you are here, looking for a guide on writing, then do not read further. If you think by reading these few words, you can become a writer, wrong again. No one can teach you to write, it comes naturally, make it exciting and focused.
A good writer develops over the years and it requires you to work consistently and practice. It is like developing any other form of art.

I learned the Need

When writing for the web and before one begins to write, it is crucial to understand the topic well. It will require research as well as personal input and most importantly inspiration. Your writing style must be bold, customer-focused and readable.

My Philosophy

Is this content going to help my readers at all?
Is it going to make the web a better place?
If you can tell a story in an interesting way, create food for thought, using different types of content, be helpful, moreover, if you deliver qualitatively rather than quantitatively then you are on the right track. The readers are smarter, fast and critical, today.


Writing content is a complex process and multiple ways to market the content. Here are various types of content written today:
·         SEO Friendly articles
·         Blog posts
·         Infographics
·         Descriptive Videos
·         Guides for products
·         Reviews for products
·         News articles
·         Social Media posts
·         Creating lists
·         Research
·         E-books
For each of these contents the writing style is different. Let us see, how different it is, to write a few of them.

1.      SEO friendly Articles

When writing for the web, write ‘Anything that sizzles, will sell’. Hence, it is time to shift the focus from the meat to just the sizzle.
Plan your SEO-friendly articles well, optimize them using keywords, so that, people can find them easily. Market and promote your articles on the web, to drive website traffic this will increase the revenue.
The length of the article varies on the industry needs; 500 to 2000 words that show industry expertise, with an aim to boost the website on search engine ranking. They are different from Blog posts, aimed at engaging customers rather than ranking.

Here is what is required

The SEO friendly article must be of high-quality and engaging; however, the keyword must be strategically placed. The content must be valuable so that it can catch the reader’s attention, moreover, it must be entertaining at the same time.
The other important aspect of an SEO friendly article is that, if it is exceptional the readers will share it. You can encourage your readers to share it on social media. Creating a write up that adds new value requires understanding the target audience.

How to create a good SEO-friendly article

When writing SEO friendly content, add more and better value with research, examples, anecdotes and improving quality and create an impact; in simpler words, write an article with an impact. Writing short sentences with good vocabulary is of equal importance.
The article must be subjective keeping in mind, what will drive anyone to read. It is like when you read about a subject you simply do not read everything, you may skim through some articles read as they grab and hold your attention.

Enhance your article with Keywords

The article must contain the ‘keywords’, however, stuffing it will not help, it must be strategically placed and woven in. For example, it is good to use one important keyword in the title, up on a search, your article is found. If there are more than one important keyword, it is good to use them, in such a way that, the most searched keyword is visible upfront.

Create an impression

The images create a good impression on the mind, so use it well. It is a way to break up walls of text in a better way and create an outline. Another way, to break up walls of text is, with the use of subheadings.

Other types of articles

Writing a newspaper article is different as it requires a good amount of research, conducting interviews, checking facts and compiling them. It is important to know the audience and find an angle to present. It is important to state the facts as they are.
While a technical piece for the tech savvy readers is another ball game altogether as one must be able to grasp technology, write clearly. If you are good, then you can write tutorials, user guides, product manuals, as well as step-by-step task lists to guide the new users.

2.      Social Media post

Writing for social media platform is different and aims at a certain group of people with a common interest, as they engage their attention with variety. It is more conversational mainly aimed at sharing everything that is good or bad. Ask the right questions and real.
The length of the content is usually up to 100 words, absolutely short, delivered in a matter of minutes.

What is required

The social media post gathers ‘value’ in terms of ROI and engagement, therefore, it is important to write them at specific times of the day to drive more traffic.

How to create a good Social-media post

A good social media post is one that is to the point, evokes emotions that are strong and positive, with punctuations. Free form of writing is cherished.
The content may be anything yet it needs to be in the right context:
·         A Quiz and it may include images
·         You need to Optimize
·         Ask opinions
·         Ask questions
·         Good effective title
·         Use proper grammar and spellings
·         Reveal slowly
·         Use #Hashtag

Here is an example of a successful article

There are many articles published and shared every day on several websites. Some of the exceptional content is on Hubspot. It has 5 articles and 7 blogs in 7 different categories, so a total of 35 articles every day. It will surprise you to see the number of articles shared on social media each day, here is the data worth looking at:
·         35 blog posts
·         25 tweets on Twitter
·         3 posts on Facebook
·         1 email
·         10 posts on Instagram per week
·         22 videos on YouTube per month
·         2,400 pins on Pinterest
This brings a massive audience to the website.
·         930k fans on Facebook
·         655k followers on Twitter
·         30k followers on Pinterest
·         20,000 subscribers on YouTube
They are successful because they have categorized their readers, content managers, and lead magnets so that they target their audience well with a variety of content like guides, templates, e-books and more. Their content marketing strategy is subtle and definitely an easy way to increase revenue.

I will Conclude here

Writing may sound easy; however, it requires more than just stringing up a few words from various articles, checking grammar and creating a write-up ready to be posted. Viola! It is done.
Ask yourself- ‘What is your style and what type of content are you comfortable creating? What is the purpose?’ It is good to try writing different types and see what works for you the best and create your own writing rules.
The content speaks to the audience, so, care for those who read, listen and share; hence, it requires some preparation, to create an engaging masterpiece each time. It is good to try different types of content; each one uses different opportunity levels to market it.

There will be great challenges as well as room for improvement, and you can easily meet it, by reading other writers and working on writing for the web and create an audience. As no one can teach you to write, it just comes naturally when you write for the web.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

I Hustle Every Day - Stay Humble And Hustle Hard

According to the dictionary, Hustle is a state of activity.

It is okay to Hustle. If it scares you, it might be good to try. If you never did, you should.

Everyone must hustle. The rat race is a hustle. You may have never realized, hustle and passion, go hand in hand. Be passionate about something and hustle, you will succeed.

I happen to say this because of a recent political conversation that led me to talk about people, in general, taking action for themselves (build business and create jobs for others), instead of waiting for their country's government to take action (hustle) for the public. (A government, however, rich or poor, is blamed for its practices that make people poorer rather than richer. Don't we all wish that was possible!!)

This is where we all must hustle, get into activities that will create money (in a positive way). You would hustle too, only if you knew why you were hustling. Let me tell you, it’s not a crime.

  • If you have a business, you must promote it. It’s not being humble, if you are afraid of doing it, you are not hustling.
  • If you are a hustler you will make things happen, no matter what. Hustle 24/7 rather than 9 - 5, rather than sulk, do things differently if it is required.
  • Choose to say 'NO' when it is right. Not all that glitter is gold, choose which one works for you and is the best for your business. Work on it.
  • Knock doors when required, as building a business is hard work, a lot of hustle and sweaty. It will work or at least something will.
  • Big things come in small packages, so wait patiently, hustle and bask in the glory of small victories. They will fuel you through your journey of building a business.
In a nutshell, hustle, change your attitude. Ignore the nega-bots (negative people). Build your business, adjust your thinking and soon enough, you will see success.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Every drop in the ocean counts

I came across a website that gives away stuff for free. I liked the idea and tweeted it. I found this after a question was asked on Quora. I thought of sharing it as I wanted to do my bit. I may not be a big contribution but every drop in the ocean counts.

Note: I have not been paid to promote this website. It is my free will to do so.

Passiton | India's first free item sharing website. is India’s first free stuff website that offers items like Books, Clothes, Gadgets.

The project seeks to cater a meaningful way to distribute unwanted, but useful items to benefit the needy (Books, clothes, home appliances, home furniture, Gadgets etc.) With Passiton India , your used item can be given a new lease of life, and to better the life of needy individuals or NGO’s NPO’s. connects the General Public to the needy by acting as an online platform for donors and receivers. Passiton India provides a web platform by channeling the donated items to the needy or anyone who can make good use of your unwanted item. Anybody in India can donate their stuff as long as they are in good working condition.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Valentines Day is Here....

Any Plans? Oh heck....I have no gift, yet. 

Its V-Day. I wondered this morning, if it was an important day afters a few years of marriage and kids. But then again, come to think of it I know we do not have time for each other just kids and family. When do we spend time with each other. This is one day you can express all you want to not that the rest of the 364 days do not matter, they do and more than this day. Yet, this one day is very special for it reminds us that love is in the air.

Does your V-Day week generally start like this? Well, here is something for you all. I think they make some amazing gifting ideas to get a start with. 

No don't look for the common ones like these...

This chocolate shaped heart is good for newbies in love. If you are married or in a relationship for long, it will not make her happy. Nor will the next one.
This one is again an old gift but still works in most cases, however there should be something more along with it. 

Some Exclusive Gift Ideas

Here is something unique a nice and relaxing Spa.

Yes! This is another good gift a common one though, its up to you to make it exclusive.

Nice and a beautiful wine carafe. Ah! something original.
Lets look at a few more new ones. 

A nice get away weekend for just the two of you...If you have children stay them with someone reliable, Grand Parents may be.

An exclusive outfit - a Bandage dress she may be yearning to wear.

Nice exclusive jewelry 


 A Smart-Phone or a Watch
 Gadgets are Men's favorite think latest iPad or Laptop. Well can be for her too if she is tech savvy...which most of us are.
A nice cozy breakfast or dinner at home or out in a fancy hotel.

 Loves Music! Who does not ? This is an exclusive one if he has been planning on one.

If he loves to click away, then this will be something very appropriate to begin with. 

The E-cigarette is fairly new and especially if you want him to quit smoking. Its a nice replacement.

Well, I hope you liked some of these ideas...Share your thoughts and I will soon be sharing what I received as a gift.

Freelancers - Who Moved My Cheese?

Freelancers, Who moved my cheese? I am sure you have read the book by Spencer Johnson, if not, click here to read .  Now, back to my b...