Thursday 22 September 2016

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY7

Take Action, Even If It Is Imperfect

Today’s challenge is to pick one imperfect action and what would it be like if it is done every day.

Natalie talks of Procrastination and Overwhelm being two sides of a coin. I procrastinate and am overwhelmed at the same time, sometimes. Because of the overload of work, I fear getting down to business and procrastinate the task that looks humongous to me, just like that big giant coming down on me.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 7
 #10DBC #freedomplan
#10DBC #freedomplan
Procrastination and overwhelm have cost me a lot in life and yet I am afraid to face them. Today, I wish to do something about them. 'Take Action, Even If It Is Imperfect', because some action is better than no action.

I have been procrastinating my blog writing on a daily basis. Because I feel overwhelmed about what I write, stopped writing for about 11 years. I was a regular blogger on ‘Rediffiland’ till 2005 and have begun writing again in 2016.

This is going to be my imperfect task – Blogging, imperfect to perfection. Like they say, ‘success lies ahead of fear’.

‘Imperfect or I-m-perfect Action’, read it the way you like, but the point is to take action and stop procrastinating. Perfection paralyses action, imperfection makes you exercise to reach that ultimate goal of perfection. Each time you raise the bar, it still seems unreachable.

I intend to discipline myself to use the Pomodoro Technique so that I can work on my imperfect action every day to achieve the freedom lifestyle I often dream of.

I will devote time, clear doubts, set the right intention, a positive attitude, and connect within to write that imperfect piece every day.

Think about your imperfect action and set the stage for action, you will soon be there, where you belong.

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY6

#10DBC #freedomplan
Finding My Tribe Challenge
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 6
 #10DBC #freedomplan

This is a difficult challenge – ‘to find a tribe of my own’. What do I mean by that?
I mean everyone who helps and supports you in your endeavor to achieve the freedom lifestyle. It could be someone you admire. I have been my own strength. My family is my strength.
I do not have any mentors yet. However, I have enrolled for a few emails from NeilPatel (Quicksprout), Darren Rowse (Problogger), Jitendra Vaswani (BloggersIdeas) and Natalie Sisson (suitcaseentrepreneur).
Natalie’s challenge encouraged me to write my blog. I created the blog page long ago, however, did not write anything. The challenge has pushed me to create time to write at least one blog a day. I will try to get two blogs a day (a challenge for me!).
Recently, I came across Mariah Coz (Femtrepreneur) who is an inspiration as she has helped women become entrepreneurs in a true sense of the word. I wish to help many people be entrepreneurs.
I have many ideas, discuss them with my better half but do not implement them for the lack of knowledge. However, I will work on it, gain knowledge and begin implementing, no more procrastination.

If I met them in person, I would probably ask for their success mantra (I am catching on slowly). I hope I find my answers someday, somehow, someway. Until then, find your tribe of people who inspire and encourage you each day of your life and achieve all that you wish for.

Time Management Technique for Freelancers

If you are working from home or are a freelancer, you must have felt Short on Time, Burned Out, Lack of focus and Demotivated. Does it sound familiar?

Here is an awesome technique that will get you to be efficient and productive. Before I tell you more on this time management technique let us get a few things straight. Answer these questions:
  1. Do you know the tasks you have on hand?
  2. Are they prioritized?
  3. Do you follow a work schedule?
  4. Is the place you work minus all distractions? 

If you have answered any one or all as ‘No’, then get down to fixing them first. Here is what you can do:
  1. Create To-do lists of all the tasks/ assignments for the day
  2. Prioritize them
  3. Write down the time you will work on every assignment
  4. The work space must be spacious, clean, clear and minus all distractions. If you are working from kitchen, living room, this is a big distraction. Choose a different work space.

Now the real secret, that you have been waiting for.

Have you heard of Pomodoro Technique?

It is a time management technique was invented by Frances Cirillo in the 1980’s. The technique helps capitalize on time and efficiency. All you need to do is block 25 minutes and focus on work uninterrupted.

A motivational speaker Chris Winfield was able to reduce his work week to 50%, transform his career and balance his life by using the Pomodoro technique.

How you need to do?
  1. Choose one task/ assignment
  2.  Make a commitment of spending ONLY 25 minutes focused on the task
  3. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  4. Begin by resolving to accomplish one Pomodoro
  5. Take a short break of 10 to 15 minutes. If you are working on a household chore, then just 25 minutes, remember - one Pomodoro session only
  6. Add another session when you are ready to complete the task in hand
  7. Gradually, up your Pomodoro sessions

You will be able to optimize your productivity and achieve a balance in life. According to Chris - “When your energy is focused on just one thing, then you become more powerful.”

All of this requires you to be disciplined enough. You will find the time to flex your muscles, floss your teeth, exercise five times a week and spend valuable time with your family.

Hope all freelancers will find this technique useful and accomplish more. I have just begun using it and find the need to discipline myself. I say this to all working from home, as there are many distractions. Read my blog on setting up for success.

The technique will keep you more disciplined and achieve everything you want for the day. It will optimize productivity and help you achieve a balance in life.

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY6

#10DBC #freedomplan
Finding My Tribe Challenge
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 6
 #10DBC #freedomplan

This is a difficult challenge – ‘to find a tribe of my own’. What do I mean by that?
I mean everyone who helps and supports you in your endeavor to achieve the freedom lifestyle. It could be someone you admire. I have been my own strength. My family is my strength.
I do not have any mentors yet. However, I have enrolled for a few emails from NeilPatel (Quicksprout), Darren Rowse (Problogger), Jitendra Vaswani (BloggersIdeas) and Natalie Sisson (suitcaseentrepreneur).
Natalie’s challenge encouraged me to write my blog. I created the blog page long ago, however, did not write anything. The challenge has pushed me to create time to write at least one blog a day. I will try to get two blogs a day (a challenge for me!).
Recently, I came across Mariah Coz (Femtrepreneur) who is an inspiration as she has helped women become entrepreneurs in a true sense of the word. I wish to help many people be entrepreneurs.
I have many ideas, discuss them with my better half but do not implement them for the lack of knowledge. However, I will work on it, gain knowledge and begin implementing, no more procrastination.

If I met them in person, I would probably ask for their success mantra (I am catching on slowly). I hope I find my answers someday, somehow, someway. Until then, find your tribe of people who inspire and encourage you each day of your life and achieve all that you wish for.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY5

#10DBC #freedomplan

My Daily Success Plan – Setting Up For Success

Today is day 5 of the challenge & I totally agree with Natalie about working in the kitchen or living room. Setting up a separate space, that is clean, clear is very important to get your focus. Creating short productive sessions will benefit and set me up for success.

I have often burned out, lost focus, motivation to work due to the workload and working late in the night, not getting enough sleep or no sleep at all.
 #10DBC #freedomplan
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5

Coming back to the challenge of creating a daily success plan for a perfect day to improve productivity and efficiency. This is something I need to do more often along with the Pomodoro technique.

Here is my perfect day to improve efficiency and productivity.

According to the perfect day in my life - it begins by waking up early to get some morning exercise and my children ready for school. I create my to-do list after checking my emails. Plan my Pomodoro sessions for the day until lunch time and complete the urgent assignments.

In the evening, after dinner, I can do another Pomodoro session before bed time. This way I can plan my day for tomorrow, squeeze in time for the daily blog posts. Get the sleep I need most to be more focused. I can dive into the day as planned, ready to face the challenges.

I am sure just like me, you have never heard of Pomodoro sessions, working shorter sessions will definitely keep me motivated and not burn me out. This will help me achieve the success I am looking for.

This is my well-planned day to be efficient and productive. Do you have a success plan? Tell me if you use any other technique that makes you more efficient.

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY4

#10DBC #freedomplan
Unlocking My Super Powers

Today is Day4 of the challenge, and here I am thinking about what Natalie said – ‘I have super powers’. I do not believe in anything but the supernatural, so may be its natural to possess some super powers. Takes me back to the days when I read and watched – Superman. It reminded me of a dialogue that rings a bell – ‘With power, come responsibilities’.

Today’s challenge is difficult. Yes, I have powers and with that I have the responsibility to put them to use. Natalie goes on to explain, it set me to think - what is it that I like doing, what am I good at.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4

I have never thought that I was good at anything in particular. I do things as they come, that makes me very flexible, though I do not like change, but I adapt. I bounce back, if I am sad, or doubtful about anything. I asked my husband and family members, what they think I am really good at.

Here is a table I drew:
I Am Good At
Enjoy Doing
Others Think I Am Good At
Experimenting things
Reading / Writing
Give good explanations
Listening & Helping others
Helping others
Finding solutions

Motivational talk
Motivational talk

I traced down three things of ‘what I am good at’, ‘I enjoy doing’ and ‘what others think I am good at’.

When I analyzed – ‘What I am good at’ and ‘Enjoy doing’ I observed the fact that I cherished freedom, enthusiasm for things new and individuality. I guess those are my superpowers, that have led me, where I am today.

Have you identified yours? Think about them and share them with me. 

Sunday 18 September 2016

My 10Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – DAY3

#10DBC #freedomplan

#10DBC #freedomplan - The image shows how i wish to laze around and relax knowing fully well that 'I am financially independent'.

A Perfect Day in My Life
According to Natalie Sisson – If your mind can believe and conceive something, it is possible to achieve it.
It seems easier said than done. That’s the difficult part of everything. May be imagining it is easy believing and conceiving it another thing. I am flexible and adapt as the day comes.
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 3.

This exercise asks me to imagine, attract and manifest everything that is possible. Here is a perfect day that I can imagine and want to live, in the next few years.
    • I want to wake up before everyone else in the house. Waking up early in may man’s arms at 6 AM, feel grateful for everything he brings in my life. It is peaceful and calming. 
    • Grab a glass of hot water and get ready for the day ahead.
    • Take a quick shower, get 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of exercise.
    • Wake up my children and get them ready and send them to school.
    • Have a cup of tea and breakfast. Check emails. Begin writing and completing projects for the day.
    • Get household chores lined up and assigned.
    • Check assignments for the day, assign them to my team.
    • Prepare lunch for the family.
    • Check emails and assignments. Get down to writing and finish assignments until lunch time and till my children are back from school. Attend to them.
    • Put my children to rest in the afternoon or spend time with them having fun and interacting with each other.
    • Get back to my creative work until dinner time.
    • Snuggle up to watch some TV.
    • Take a nice shower and put my children back in bed.
    • Catch up on some emails and assignments. Get back in bed.
I do not think there is anything called 'a perfect day'. This is just an exercise. There will be much more going on in real time. The exercise is just to imagine a perfect day that I can conceive, believe and achieve. 

Freelancers - Who Moved My Cheese?

Freelancers, Who moved my cheese? I am sure you have read the book by Spencer Johnson, if not, click here to read .  Now, back to my b...