What is Pomodoro Technique?
You must be wondering what is Pomodoro? The Pomodoro Technique is a well-known time management technique. It is easy to implement and can be used by anyone. You need just a timer, motivation and discipline to start using this technique.
The word ‘Pomodoro’ is Italian for ‘tomato’ even though it has nothing to do with tomatoes; the technique helps you focus on work, facilitates efficiency, inspiration, and productivity. In 1980’s, Francesco Cirillo developed this technique using a kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato.
The technique focuses mainly on break times to increase productivity, efficiency, and focus. Consequently, you should include work tasks along with breaks in your daily work plan.
In this technique, every Pomodoro session is a 25-minute work session, followed by a 5-minute break. After you complete 4 Pomodoros or work sessions, you can take a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes. You can use it to break down larger work sessions into smaller chunks.
I recommend you use the Pomodoro timer (click to buy in another window) to time yourself. They are fun and functional kitchen timer with preset-times in the plastic finish. It is available in various designs. You can use them for cooking, baking or homework help. If you buy using the link provided, it will help me generate some income to run my blog.
What happens in the Pomodoro technique?
When the brain sees a timer ticking, it works with a sense of urgency and a challenge to complete the task within the duration is created, and a reward at the end of the session - a 5-minutes break.
The technique allows two 5-minute breaks with a one-hour duration. This way the brain is trained to work for short intervals and does not get distracted.
Once you begin employing the Pomodoro technique, you will see an increase in your productivity, efficiency, focus, and motivation. Mind and body do not get burned out in this technique.
Who will benefit? Who can implement this technique?
The Pomodoro technique is for everyone who wishes to be productive, including those who procrastinate, cannot work long hours, including those who find it difficult to concentrate or focus.
Everyone can train their mind to work only for 25 minutes and then play hard for the next 5 minutes. You can exercise, play ball, a quick shower, a snack, a cup of tea or coffee, you can even give a nice warm hug to your mum, child, partner or pet.
During the five minutes’ break, any kind of physical activity reduces the chances of obesity that occurs because of sitting. It takes you away from your workstation, takes your mind off work for a short duration which helps refresh and your mind begins to work with the same fervor.
If you are a Student, Parent, a Writer, Lawyer, Developer, Teacher, Director or even a Manager, we all need to work with time rather than against it. It helps eliminate burnout, create a better work-life balance, manage or reduce distractions to achieve the maximum.
With the Pomodoro technique, you will learn to achieve everything you need to each day and save time in the future. To learn more click here to get a book on 'The easy way to do more in less time'.