Thursday, 7 December 2017

Color(s) of the Year 2018 - Let's Paint!

Color of the year 2018
Colors speak louder than words. As we are close to the end of 2017, the ‘green’ mood lingers (the 2017 Pantone Color of the Year). There are many colors to match the general mood – black, burgundy, tan orange, even soot grey. The verdict for the year 2018 is here.

The color corresponds to originality, visionary thinking, and wellness. It represents the future, the imagination, and dreams, while spiritually calming the emotions. Ultraviolet color often relates to the fantasy world with the need to escape from the practicalities of life.

Benjamin Moore sees a warm, seductive tone, and enveloping hue of red, ‘Caliente’ to be precise. As a vibrant, charismatic shade of red, Caliente is strong, radiant and full of energy.

A beautiful warm pink. You can transform the feel of your home with Heart Wood in different ways. It can be calm or cozy, energetic or relaxed.

It is a cool, tranquil, spruce blue inspired by nature. The versatile ‘In the Moment’ is a soothing, restorative combination of blue, gray and green. The color is perfect for interiors and exteriors. In the moment seems the ultimate for traditional, modern, coastal and global decor.

Deep Onyx is a classic and timeless staple. It is a no-fuss shade of black; encourages a “less is more” approach to décor color. You can use it on an accent wall or as an alternative to white paint on doors, trim and cabinets.

Let me know which is your favorite!

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Bag Lucrative Freelance Jobs: Hone Your Writing Skills

Hone Your Writing Skills

Freelancing is making its way as a desirable job for obvious reasons. It offers perks one cannot expect from a regular job. And, presents new avenues for those in need of the exposure.

Budding writers need to struggle for a rewarding freelance writing job. One that showcases and improves their writing abilities while attracting a good pay.

In the beginning, I stumbled upon avenues like online academic writing. I realized ghostwriting, web content writing, press releases are promising options.

Today, I learn every day and inch towards being the best. I look for ways to improve my writing skills by reading. I believe I have a foolproof way to improve writing skills. Here is a step-by-step process, I follow and hope you will find it helpful.

1. Brush Up Your Basics
“Brush up your basics like you do your hair.”
You need to understand the basics of grammar and spelling. Your grammar may be perfect, but it helps if you go back to the basics every now and then.
Learn to write good sentences
Choose flavored words
Write in active voice, avoid passive voice
Avoid fillers, adverbs, and prepositions
Compose smooth transitions and flow

Create a writing structure; it helps organize and channelize creativity. It makes your writing more systematic and comprehensible. You will find, it often helps to create a “zero draft” or ‘brain dump’ before you draft your work.

I agree it will be a terrible piece of work. However, having a draft in the mind is not good enough. Pen it on paper and build a good piece upon it. Edit it to make your piece perfect. It will help de-clutter your brain, lets creativity flow, and enhances your writing.

Online resources like Grammar Girl and Merriam Webster are helpful. If you think a workshop will be helpful, join one. Click the links or search for online workshops or writing workshops near you.

2. Read and Research
“If you don’t have the time to read, then you don’t have the time (or tools) to write. Simple as that.”- Stephen King (American author)
Today, in my free time I read all that I can lay my hands on including books, blogs, and social media posts. Reading adds fuel to fire, nurtures perceptions and gets the creative juices flowing. When I began as an article writer, I did research on relevant topics. Because of my passion for in-depth study, I got academic writing offers by clients.

Research and reading sprees help me when I face difficult or unknown topics. It keeps me updated, introduces me to new writing techniques, styles, and methods. This brings lucrative options and offers to take my writing career forward.

3. Write Regularly
“Write regularly, whether you feel like writing or not, and whether you think what you’re writing is good or not.”- Anne Lamott (American novelist)
Write every day, maybe a blog, a diary, or scribble something even if it looks ‘shit’. You must learn to pour your thoughts on paper and make it a habit. Initially, I found it straining, as I had to force myself to pen a few lines. Sometimes it was difficult when I would search for words and phrases to express myself. This could be due to low vocabulary or because I was not clear headed.

Today, I am incomplete without writing. It has become a habit. Now, I notice an improvement in my writing. Sorry, but there is no shortcut as ‘practice makes man perfect’.

4. Keep Pace with the Times
“Keep pace with the present. Take a trip to the moon. Envision the future.”- Uta Hagen (American actress)
Stay apprise on the current affairs to polish your writing skills. Keep track of what is happening around. Everybody wants to hire someone who is familiar with the trends. ‘Old is gold’, however, if you are not aware of the trends, your content will not be original or innovative.
Update your skills, implement them, and add value. Once you improve your writing skills your content will come across fresh. Learn different writing styles and presentation techniques.

It helps keep track of what the readers like and are likely to accept. You can change your style to attract readers as a freelance writer. People will follow you ‘only’ because of your writing style, your tone, and fresh interesting way of delivering a message.

5. Write a Journal
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”- William Wordsworth(Poet)
Yes, keep a ‘writing journal’. Maintain a ‘list of writing topics or ideas’. These can-do wonders to improve your writing skills. Journals are effective means of channeling your thoughts when they clutter your head. You can look back at them when you face a writer's block or are contemplating thoughts and concepts.

Flip through it time and again; it will bring your attention to mistakes and helps you avoid them. List your to-do tasks or references for topics and words to organize your mind. It helps you focus on important tasks.

6. Originality and Innovation
“You were born original, don’t die a copy”- Ben Mikaelsen (Bolivian American writer of children's literature, Touching Spirit Bear)
No content on the internet is 100% original. You may come across content that looks like a copy of something you read elsewhere. The key is to develop your thoughts and ideas. Challenging! Yes, it is. Coming up with fresh and original content is rewarding. This will help you in gaining a good reader base. At the same time, it will land you some lucrative freelance writing jobs.

7. Study the Masters
“Most chess players know, thanks to the study of master games, that two bishops are stronger than two knights or than bishop and knight, though very few know the reason for this advantage and how to turn it to account.”- Richard Reti (Austro-Hungarian, later Czechoslovak chess grandmaster and chess author)
You can learn to write by studying the masters and stealing proven style and technique. Study the magazines and learn to write attention-grabbing headlines. Read children’s books to learn to talk about difficult topics using simple words. Pay attention to words used in reports, reviews, and novels and make a note of them in your journal.

You can also study direct mail and sales copy to polish your persuasive writing skills. Practice empathy in your content by adding some live examples. You can include rich details or borrow authority by including quotes (like I did) and stats. Share information nuggets your readers will love. Nourish your content with ideas, advice, comfort and some inspiration.

8. Expressive Style
“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”- Rachel Zoe (Fashion designer and editor)
As time flies by you will develop your own unique style. If you follow the golden rules to write better:
Use short and simple sentences for better clarity in writing.
Use simple phrases as it grabs the interest of your reader.
Avoid long and elaborate sentences.
Use words and phrases anyone can recount.
Do not use difficult and flowery (ornamental) words.

Readers find it difficult to comprehend ornamental words. Impress them with short and crisp passage related to the topic. You will create an engaging narrative by telling the reader what you want to tell.

9. Do Not Oversee Editing
Read more, write less.

This is the mantra. For that, you must proofread and edit your content. This will polish and sharpen your writing skills and your piece. You can choose a partner to edit and proofread. A fresh pair of eyes will do good. They can help weed out unnecessary words and phrases that clutter your writing.

You can use Hemingway editor to check the readability score. It helps take care of the passive voice, clear away hard to read sentences and make your writing simpler.

If you can describe something in 20 words instead of 100, do it. Proofread as you write; it is effective in forming sentences. It helps structure your writing better. However, do not forget to edit and proofread after you finish writing. Look for other errors in punctuation or grammar.

If you do not have someone to read, use tools like Grammarly, Ginger, and Slickwrite to double check your content. Have a friend or kid read it to check the flow of your content.

10. Read Out Loud What You Write

Reading what you write will improve your writing skills. "Will Strunk (The Elements of Style) got out of this predicament by a simple trick: he uttered every sentence three times."  This helps in many ways:
Determines whether you have been able to convey your message.
Omit needless words, proofread, and edit content.
Learn to express yourself in a better way.
Identify areas that need improvement.

You will find your content straying and the first draft is very different from the final copy. Reading will help you to identify where you lost track.

Here is the masterly Strunkian elaboration on the nature and beauty of brevity:

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences short or avoid all detail and treat subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.

These are all tried and tested methods to hone your writing skills. Hope you found something for yourself to improve upon. If you follow these ten secret techniques, you will see a marked difference in your work. You have the talent, so get behind your desk and inspire your readers.

You can read these books (click the link for pdf) and diligently apply the lessons you learn from these books.
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. (Click here to buy)
Bird by Bird: Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott.
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century by Stephen Pinker.
The Getaway Car: A Practical Memoir About Writing and Life by Ann Patchett

Have you got any other techniques to hone writing skills? Your thoughts and comments matter.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

How Can You Discover Your Talent And Purpose In Life?

Discover your talent and life's purpose

How can you discover your talent and purpose in life?

Your talent is God's gift to you, what you do with is your gift back to God. Use your talent as a vehicle in your life, fuel it up with passion where potential is your destination.

The answer to the above question is surely not simple. Let me try to present what I have learned, know, and understand. My advice is:

1.     You have to keep trying, you will never know if you do not try.
2.     Look inwards, asking for advice is good, but listen to your heart and mind. Ignite your talent with primal cues.
3.     If you 'do' (hustle) something, it may or may not click, it may be terrible in the beginning. so, discover what really matters.
4.     Improve on it. Unwrap the gift and unleash the talent, you will see your life's purpose.
No one will lay the path in front of you. It is good if you feel lost sometimes. Go out and get what you want. Nothing is instantaneous, it is about getting a feedback and improving (action), constantly.

You can't just 'think' your way into finding your life's purpose; you have to 'do' your way into it. You must hustle. Look into your heart, listen to it and you will find the true purpose and passion.

Discovering talent + Hustle (Action) + Passion = Life's purpose

It is simple. Discover your talent, nurture it and then apply it in your life. Make your life meaningful.

Discover your life's purpose
  1. As a child, what were you passionate about?
  2. What makes you smile?
  3. Is there anything that makes you forget the world around you?
  4. What makes you feel great?
  5. If you did not work or have a job, how would you occupy yourself? Are you good at something?
  6. Is there any issue closest to your heart?
  7. What topics you repeatedly bring up to talk about with your closest friends or loved ones?
  8. What challenges, difficulties, and hardships have you overcome and how?
  9. Have you created a bucket list?
  10. Do you have a dream and want to pursue?

Write your life's purpose (mission)
When you write your life's mission, here are three questions to help you:

  • What do you want to do?
  • Who do you want to help?
  • What value will you create?
Have I helped you discover your life's purpose? I’d love to hear about your mission. Share with me in the comment section.

-Inspired and Adapted from Arpan Roy's answer to the question on Quora

Friday, 24 November 2017

Go to Work For a Boss or Be the Boss

I get this question from many of my friends, 'How I work and earn?'.

If you do not like the 9 - 5 job hustle and are thinking of an earning opportunity, then you can be your own boss. Freelancing is an option.

Let me clarify...

Who is a freelancer?
A freelancer is a self-employed person.  You can opt to offer services to businesses or work with many clients at a time.

What type of work can freelancers do?
A freelancers' work often varies as they can provide every type of service a business would need. This includes, but, is not limited to:

  • Internet marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Publicity
  • E-commerce/ online store
  • Copywriting (writing text for advertising/marketing purpose)
  • Writing and proofreading - articles and blog posts
  • Technological support - web programming and design
  • Creative work - graphic design
  • Financial support -accounting and bookkeeping.
What are the requirements for a freelance job?
You'll need basic computer skills, of course, a computer, and an Internet connection. But most of all, you need the right attitude to succeed online. It requires you to make a choice - something you love doing or can stick with. Of course, you will need to do some research, plan, and execute it well.

Are you still wondering if it is really possible to make a living working online and from home? Well, the answer is a definite 'yes'.

Benefits of freelancing
You can read my post on 4 major reasons that make freelancing an attractive choice for many people today. But before you jump in, make sure you know what you are getting into. Here are the benefits of freelancing:
  • Quick, flexible, affordable, and easy to start
  • Set your own price
  • Set your own work hours
  • Work full or part-time on the projects of your choice
Disadvantages of freelancing
Well, Freelancing has its advantages and disadvantages. It:

  • Takes time to build reliable clientele.

  • Work can be intermittent and erratic.
  • Managing multiple projects and clients is a challenge.
  • Pays less to beginners.
How to start freelancing?
You must know how and where to begin as a freelancer. Read my post on evaluating and defining yourself as a freelancer but here is a recap for you:

  • Decide what work you will offer.
  • Niche or target market.
  • Create a website or online portfolio.
  • Network on social media.
  • Set your price and charge enough.
  • Find work by reaching out to clients using freelance sites like,,, and many more.
As a freelancer, you can run your own business with little or no investment. You can choose to work with companies who hire freelancers for various jobs. If you like talking about products then affiliate marketing is perfect. Or, you can check out my post on skills in demand.

Here are a few other ideas for everyone. You can do anything listed here in the infographic, and see what you would like to do.

Freelancing is a great way to start working and being your own boss. But, success comes to those who do not wait for an opportunity. Create one and make your dream, tomorrow's reality. 

"Your true success in life begins only when you make a commitment to become excellent at what you do." - Brian Tracy

If you have any questions, do leave in a comment. Good luck!

Friday, 3 November 2017

20 Fastest-growing Skills for Freelancers - 2017

Here are fastest-growing skills for freelancers in 2017 according to Upwork Skill Index.

Other skills like website building, graphics designing, accounting and bookkeeping, Inventory management, content writing, digital and social media marketing, compliance management are still in demand.

Virtual reality is one other skill that has made it to the list for the very first time. There is a growing demand for AI (Artificial Intelligence) related skills too.
20 Fastest-growing skills for Freelancers in 2017

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

6 Tips for Freelancers to Pay Off Mortgage/Loans Faster

If you are someone who has recently purchased a home or has credit card loans to pay, then this one is for you, even if you are a freelancer. 

Purchasing a house is a fantasy and now that you have one, you must aim at paying mortgage faster. Mortgages are payable in installments over a 30-year period. This, not the only option available. People often panic looking at the number of installments they must pay. The loan is payable before that and does not lock you down for 30 years. Prepayment charges may apply.

Many people wish to pay the mortgage off as early as possible, as it makes sense. Paying it off builds up equity and enables another investment. Follow the tips mentioned here, and you will be able to cut down the 30-year term by at least half. The tips may sound difficult to follow, but you can pay the mortgage off faster by using them.

Here are 6 tips to pay off the mortgage at a faster rate:

1. Budget & Save
It is best to start now, by keeping track of spending; record all expenses. Make a budget and ration every dollar of earnings to specific categories. Divide the money towards savings and expenses. Write a budget plan down and create a cash envelope system to control expenditure.

Cut down all small expenses like coffee and hunt for bargains. Take advantage of thrift shops, coupons, and clothing sale.

Once you have cut down on expenses and begun saving money, stash away cash as an emergency fund. Build up at least $1000 to fall back on, which may take 6 months. Leave it unless there is a major financial crisis. Sell your car, if you do not need one, or drive less, walk more or take public transport. Try to cook at home rather than eat out.

2. Downsize or Monetize
Make big cuts in the budget like on housing, transportation, and food. These will make a big impact on the net earnings and eventually the ‘bottom-line’. Downsize to a less expensive, smaller home, if possible. You may choose to monetize it by getting a roommate and use the rental income to pay off the mortgage.

3. Make More Payments
Monetize on skills or talents and increase your monthly income. Many people choose to freelance or moonlight. If you get a bonus, refund, or raise, use that extra cash or income to pay towards the mortgage installments. Pay the monthly installments by going beyond the minimum payment amount each month. You can do this in three ways:

a. Make one extra payment once a year. This will shorten the mortgage by a few years. Divide the amount and pay it in 12 installments or in 24 installments by paying twice a month.

b. If the extra payment sounds big, then round up the payments to pay a few extra dollars.

c. Increase the amount every month, or after every six months and maintain it. You can choose to increment by an ’x’ amount, which could be $5, $20, $50, $100 or whatever is possible. This will save you from paying more interest.

4. Get Inexpensive Homeowner’s Insurance
Shop around for the best and the lowest homeowner’s insurance premium rates. Bundle up auto- and home insurance to your advantage at a lower rate or a higher deductible. Low insurance premiums reduce the mortgage payments. However, if you continue paying the amount as before, then you will be able to pay off the mortgage at a faster rate.

5. Refinance Your Mortgage
Shop around to refinance and convert the 30-year mortgage to a 15-year-loan at a fixed rate. This will pay off the mortgage in half the time. Moreover, you will pay less interest in the 15 years as compared to 30 years. If it is possible to increase the installment amount, refinance and pay off the mortgage in 10 years.

Do not choose an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) as the interest rate will keep changing, in favor of the bank. There will be extra transaction and closing costs when you refinance.

Moreover, if it sounds risky, then pay the amount as if you have refinanced. This will give you flexibility, in the case of an emergency or financial crisis. You must not fall back on the older payment amount if you want to clear off the mortgage amount faster. This will need discipline.

6. Merge All Debts and Use Equity
Protect yourself from the increasing interest rates by consolidating several unsecured debts. Consolidate credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, payday loans can into one bill. When the home loan interest rate rises, it affects the interest rate of all. Moreover, the interest rate on credit cards and personal loans are higher than on home loans.

If you have already paid off some amount of debt, then you would have accumulated some equity. It is the difference between the current property value and the amount you owe. Use this equity to re-borrow and pay towards the mortgage.

There may be other options or deals available. Keep an eye open for such deals and take advantage of them. You will be able to pay off your mortgage at a faster rate.


Freelancers - Who Moved My Cheese?

Freelancers, Who moved my cheese? I am sure you have read the book by Spencer Johnson, if not, click here to read .  Now, back to my b...